Tuesday 7 September 2010

Working man's blues

Well, I've been back at work for two whole days and things aren't any easier yet. The bank account is bare and I won't get paid until the middle of next month. The code I'm working on is complex and there's noone there who understands it in detail as it was all written by a contractor who is long gone and nobody else there really understands Symbian code. I know I'll be able to get on top of it, but I'm not sure how long it'll take to truly master things and I want to try to show some progress as soon as possible, understandably. I fixed my first bug today, though! Shame it was in something that nobody else had noticed was broken, but it's still a fix!

Nice weather we've been having, too. A particularly ghastly billboard poster of Tom Cruise blew away in the amazingly stong winds yesterday, which is exactly the sort of weather-related mishap I can get behind.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Dietary Requirements

Today I went shopping for shirts. Thanks to a discretionary payment of thirty quid from the nice people at my Flexible New Deal provider, I am now the proud owner of a pair of office-style shirts; one in light blue and one in eye-watering maroon for added sassiness.

I shall, however, be going on a diet. Sitting around on my backside for twenty months hasn't helped my shapely physique any, so I'm going to make a proper effort to eat better and get some exercise done. There, I've told the Internet so now I have to live up to my words or I'll be letting the Internet down and Tim Berners-Lee will send round his goons to beat me up.

My trouble is that I wouldn't know a balanced diet if it fell on me. Wah wah not enough time to cook properly wah and so forth, but it's all excuses. What isn't an excuse is the cost of food on a limited budget, what with supermarket prices for decent (i.e. fresh food that isn't ninety-five percent filler products) grub having gone up something like fifty percent. Fortunately that shouldn't be an issue with the whole job thing, so in the future I'll be able to afford named meat and perhaps even vegetables of some description, as opposed to dehydrated hydrogenised vegetable pieces with enhanced colour, and now with actual flavour! ("vegetable" is a registered trademark of the Monsanto corporation, all rights reserved)