Sunday 7 March 2010


The changing seasons have a very different effect on you when you're unemployed.  When I was in a job, the only two times of year I paid any attention to were the few weeks of Winter when it might snow, making travel to and from work difficult, and the high spot of Summer when I'd have to spend too much time stuck in traffic in a car without any air conditioning.

Now I pay a lot more attention to the weather.  Cold weather means the house will be freezing as I can't afford to keep the heating running.  I'll need to wear more clothes to keep warm and the cost of laundry will go up as I'll have to use the tumble dryer, since a house full of wet laundry won't dry out what with the heating not being on.

Especially cold weather is the worst.  It means I have to put on the heating to stop the pipes freezing up again, but the heating won't be on enough to keep the house feeling warm.

Today is a good day from the weather point of view.  It's been the first day of the year where I thought that laundry left on the washing line might actually dry out a bit, saving me a few quid in tumble drying costs.  

Next thing you know, I'll be keeping an eye out for the right time to sow onions.

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