Friday 2 July 2010

Silence is golden; noisy is mostly copper

On Wednesday I took a big tupperware tub full of loose change to the Coinstar change-cashing machine at Tesco so I could buy some dog food for the idiot dogs, which was amusing since it involved using my inheritance (the change) to feed the rest of my inheritance (the dogs).

The machine seemed reasonably honest (it charged only the mildly depressing rate of 8.6% to avoid annoying bank clerks) but had one horrible drawback. It's noisy.

The feeling you get when everybody in a giant branch of Tesco turns to look at you because you're feeding a big ol' tub o' tuppences into a change sorter is horrible. You can sense all the middle-class yummy mummies abjuring their children to not stare at the poor person in case they catch poverty and have to sign up for free school meals.

I hate being poor, it's like being a shambling undead zombie that everyone is too polite to notice.

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