Monday 9 May 2011

Everything Tweets

Recently, I had to replace my vintage 2006-era iPod as the battery life was down to about three seconds. Someone who owned a soldering iron (like what I do) would probably have replaced the battery, but I used the excuse to move to a new iPod touch.

After buying a new shiny-shiny, what's the first thing you do? Well, the first thing you do is coat it in silicone rubber and add a screen protector that makes any improvements in display technologies a moot point because now there's a plastic film glued to your fancy retina display, but I digress.

Having bought the thing to play tunes, I find that it does rather more; such as let you tweet. For that matter, a Kindle will let you tweet too, as will an Xbox360 and many other random gadgets. Next up is underwear that will twitter to the world about what a horrible person you are if you try to wear them for longer than a day.

If anyone actually develops that as a thing, I will punch them. I'm all for improved personal hygiene (I work in a non-air-conditioned office with an average temperature of 26 degrees Celsius; this sort of thing matters!) but there is such a thing as too much information.

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