Friday 22 January 2010

Ruby Newbie

I've just started looking at Ruby and I'm rather liking what I'm seeing, at least from a grammar-and-syntax point of view. This is probably partly due to me being an old C++ head and the object-orientation features of Ruby are quite close to those of C++ and Java.   Python is less strict about certain features like private inheritance, data hiding and encapsulation, which it doesn't really support, assuming that you the programmer are sensible enough not to stick your fingers into the whirring machinery of an object's gleaming guts.

At the moment, there's only two annoyances.  One is the performance, which for Ruby 1.8 is rather poor even compared to other dynamic languages like Python (Ruby 1.9 has a different runtime environment and is supposed to be quite an improvement over 1.8).  The other more subjective complaint is that constants are denoted as such by capitalising the first letter of their name. This strikes me as a rather easy-to-forget convention.

More (and less vague) Ruby talk if and when I learn new things.  I also have to learn how to program iPhones this weekend.

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