Wednesday 24 June 2009


Tim Henman preparing to hit a serve. The left ...Image via Wikipedia

I hate Wimbledon fortnight. Both BBC1 and 2 are showing nothing but tennis all afternoon, which is quite rich given that they ought to be catering for non-sporty misanthropes like me as well as the upper-middle strawberry-affording class.

They've got good weather for it, at least. This is probably as a direct result of them spending a bajillion pounds on a sliding roof to keep the rain off the court. That's not to say they aren't getting any use out of their investment; yesterday they extended it to keep the scorching sun off of "important visitors" in the Royal Box. If it was our suspiciously ginger junior heirs to the throne, it's probably a good idea to keep them out of direct sunlight.

Enough of complaining about tennis; it's a very silly game and not even sexy female tennis stars running about in short skirts is compensation, especially not with all that grunting.Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

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