Monday 23 January 2012


The illness progresses apace. My nose is running like unto a tap whilst my brain is most decidedly not running at all. It keeps hitting breakpoints that I didn't set up and the stack trace seems to be for a different process entirely.

Yes, I am mixing my metaphors like I mix my drinks. Badly.

Given it took me an hour to fry three sausages, it was not the best time to get my car in to the garage for a Service and MOT. Four new tyres and the geometry realigned. I have to admit I Googled "tyre geometry realignment" to check that it wasn't a made-up thing because today they could probably have told me my Ring System needed a Cassini division and I would have gone for it. The only car where that might be an actual thing would be GM's old Saturn brand, which has gone the way of the Sega Saturn.

My face burns from the constant blowing of nose. Tomorrow, I must go to work and do a software release for one guy.

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