Friday 14 May 2010

Feedback; it's not just for Heavy Metal anymore

Yesterday's interview went surprisingly well, they've asked me to come in again for a second interview with their King of all Programming. Either they didn't hold my ink-smeared lip against me, or they want me to come back so's their boss can have a laugh too.

"Seriously, you have to see this guy, shows up to an interview with a face full of pen!"

EDIT: By the end of the day, I realised that there was something very odd about this interview. The interviewers were a pair of "consultants" working for the company, determining their IT strategy. Neither the job spec nor the interview itself made any reference to any specific technical skillsets like programming languages or platforms. Aside from a brief interview-sequence where they dug into my background and experience, the majority of the interview dealt with the interviewers explaining the current IT setup mentioning exceptionally vague mobile device projects and then asking me what sort of things I thought the company should be looking at within the IT space.

By the end of the week, I got a callback saying that they were still very interested in my technical background, but that the funds for the project were "on hold". The project that they had nothing at all to say about, other than "we're looking into mobile projects- no, no platform or target device. Or idea as to what we want to do.. What do you think we should be doing?".

Either they found someone with better skills (Unlikely. I am awesome and people should employ me RIGHT NOW for lots of money and biscuits- Also what skills? Remember they never even mentioned any technical skillsets in the job spec), or I got suckered into a couple of hours of free consulting.

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