Friday 28 May 2010

Is it safe?

Today saw a visit to the dentist for some root canal work. It was horrible.

Not because of the dentistry, you understand. Because of the huge widescreen telly in reception, pumping out the Chart Show. It looks like these days the number of songs that don't feature horribly aggressive use of autotune-style processing for maximum blandness is about one in five.

Specifically, I'm thinking Ke$ha should be dragged out into the street and shot.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm an old fuddy-duddy, but I listen to music where the singer's voice is processed to hell with ring modulators and whatnot with the whole idea being to add to the style of the piece, whereas autotuning just seems to be there to mask the fact that somebody's manufactured music sensation can't actually sing a note.

I hate Autotune. It adds to the blandness of modern life.

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