Monday 21 June 2010

An end to progress

Stop it! Stop it right now!

Stop what?  

Going forwards.

I am sick to death of hearing people use the phrase "going forwards". They use it when one might say "in the future" or "from now on", but as a phrase it has a special taste to it derived from its origin in management-speak. Specifically, it means "Mistakes were made (by the speaker), but (despite the fact that if the listener had made a mistake even one-tenth as serious, they would be fired so fast, air friction would set them on fire) we are all going to pretend we have learned a special lesson from this experience AND NO-ONE IS TO EVER MENTION THIS EVER AGAIN, especially when we make the same exact mistake six months from now, which you can be sure that we will".

When you say "going forwards", you're basically showing the world what a horrible  piece of slime you are, so stop it.

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