Thursday 24 June 2010

Things to do Before an Interview

Everyone should know the 7 P's of Preparation- Prior Proper Planning Prevents P***-Poor Performance, so here are a couple of things to do before an interview to ensure things go well:

  • Get a good night's sleep. The human body is still synchronized to the diurnal dance of day and night, so since it's summertime right now and the nights are short, a couple of hours sleep will do perfectly.

  • Good communications are vital if you're travelling a long way for the interview, so make sure your phone is up to scratch by flashing the software to a new version the night before. It is certainly possible that the flashing process may fail part-way through, turning your handset into a shiny and expensive brick, but that hardly ever happens. I mean, you'd have to be using a somewhat ropey fossil laptop and some really terrible flashing software for anything like that to happen, wouldn't you?


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