Wednesday 16 June 2010

Adventures in interviewing; also, locks.

Today has not been a good day.

I was supposed to be interviewing for a position up in County Durham today, but a lack of properly defined processes got in the way.

At least that's my excuse.

What happened? Well, for a start, the JobCentre failed to meet a defined constraint by paying my Jobseeker's Allowance on time, meaning I didn't have any money for travel. At the moment, thanks to the Flexible New Deal, I have to pay travel expenses out of my own pocket and then give receipts in order to get reimbursed, which is assuming the FND provider in question has any money in petty cash, because if they don't, well they won't.

This led to a failed early GO/NOGO decision gate and caused an unplanned mission hold prior to FINAL COMMIT until I scrounged up enough pennies for Diesel, with the decision gate only being passed quite literally at the last possible minute. Unfortunately in the mad panic, a critical flaw in the whole procedure arose.

When changing into my interview attire, I neglected to pick up my keys.

Locking yourself out of the house is never good. It is doubly not good when you need to be somewhere else in order to secure your financial future, whose present parlous state means you can't afford a locksmith or replacement glass for a punched-out window.

End solution: Rapid application of Human Resources to Technical Problem. I shoulder-barged the door.

Springing the door was surprisingly easy. Worryingly so, in fact. Remarkably little damage was done to the door frame; a couple of longer screws should fix things right up, along with some no-more-nails or Polyfilla, perhaps.

I wonder if I should add "Intrusion Specialist" to my CV and go for a job in Internet Security?

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